An honest and open attempt of relevantly relating the Bible to post-modern culture in a God honoring, Christ exalting, joy-inspiring way.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Stood up

I wonder that if we skip church God thinks that we stood Him up.

Now, I don’t think you can take that entirely…I mean the church is there for the body to corporately worship and be taught about God. So maybe it’s more accurate to say that skipping church is like trying to walk when your butt cheek has fallen asleep.

I kind of got stood up today. It was just a friend and I’m not worried or bitter about it at all, it’s just kind of a fact.

I stood up my Greek class on Friday. Well, I slept through my alarm…but I saw my professor in ministry convo right after class got done.

It was weird.

The first time you see someone after you stand them up or they stand you up, it’s just weird.

My Greek professor was really surprised to see me and even said, “What the heck are you doing here son? I thought for sure that since you weren’t in my class that you were on your death bed!” Well, he said that with his hands…it was during the music part and he was in a different section, nevertheless…

It was weird.

I have a friend who doesn’t go to school with me, and we’ve hung out once or twice in the past, but it’s just weird. It’s kind of one of those relationships where you say you’re going to hang out a lot, but you never actually do. You do so much talking about hanging out that whenever you do hang out, well…

It’s just weird.

So I skipped church today. Well, I slept through my alarm. I think one of the hardest parts of being a Christian, is rebounding from standing God up. It could be a prayer, or Bible reading, or church…something we know we should have done that we didn’t do.

And then things get weird with God.

How can we possibly even begin to love God like He loves us? How can we possibly even begin to be faithful to someone who is so faithful to us? We can’t.

We mess up a lot. When you think about it, the world is filled with screwed up misfits—that’s just who we are—and for those of us who are owned by God, we seem to let Him down an awful lot.

We live with conditions all around us. No one seems to want to love anyone as they are completely. I don’t at least. And so it seems impossible to imagine a God who loves us when we stand Him up.

But He does.

Things don’t have to be weird.

Today is a new day…